TheoTorg Wikia

Speak with Tree

Community Rating: 11

Difficulty: 11

Range: touch

Duration: concentration

Effect: allows communication with trees

Attainment Rating: 16

This prayer will allow a priest to gain information from a tree. Minimal success grants the user a murky vision concerning the question and also gives a detailed vision of anything that occurred within the past 24 hours. Average grants a murky vision about the question and detailed knowledge of the past week. Good success gives a clear vision of the past week and gives a brief glimpse of the exact location and the individuals involved in the omen.

Superior success gives the user a minute's worth of sight, sound and touch concerning the omen (the character may not manipulate anything, though). Spectacular success gives the user a minute's worth of sight, sound and touch, and the character may manipulate items as if he were present, although nothing may be "brought through" after the miracle ends. To the individuals that are the subject of the miracle, it is as if an invisible creature is able to move things around. In the case of a Spectacular success, although the priest may manipulate items, those in that area may only harm him by other miracles.
