TheoTorg Wikia

Heightened Taste

Community Rating: 8

Difficulty: 7

Range: touch

Duration: 30 minutes

Effect: increases the sense of taste

Attainment Rating: 12

A person who is blessed by this prayer not only can enjoy the taste of any substance more then he normally would, but he is able to detect elements that would normally go unnoticed. Poisons, traces of blood or sweat (for following trails), and anything else that can be tasted become apparent. Because the sense of taste is heightened, only a small sample need be tasted to sense a poison.

If the result of the faith roll is Average or Good, the recipient enjoys his food more. If Superior, his sense of taste is so discriminating that he can identify specific elements - traces of poison, etc. If Spectacular, he can match a taste to another specific taste. For example, if he were to taste two separate drops of blood
