TheoTorg Wikia

Charm Bird

Skill: alteration/avian 19

Backlash: 12

Difficulty, 7

Effect Value: 22

Bonus Number to: effect

Range: 2 (2.5 meters)

Duration: 38 (one year)

Cast Time: 16 (25 minutes)

Manipulation: cast time, control, range

This impressed spell allows the caster to make multiple charms on a bird within range. A charm attempt may be made each round until the caster gets a satisfactory result or fails (birds are generally neutral toward a character). The caster may persuade the bird, attempting to get a yes or vow (the caster may try over each round until a satisfactory result or failure occurs). Make Charm and persuasion rolls versus the bird's Mind or willpower. Read result points directly on the charm/persuade column of the Interaction Results Table.
